Screen and faith: Mediatization of religion through docudrama

The background of this current research is the shift in the pattern of fulfilling the need for religiosity. The purpose is to examine the mediatization of faith (religion) through media (docudrama). The research question is how docudrama mediatizes faith. The method applied was rhetorical criticism in communication research. This method signifies text and audience’s reception and corresponds to qualitative textual and reception analysis. This current research particularly adapted Jensen’s (2002) media-audience qualitative reception design. The procedure adapted from Frey, et al. (1999) included selecting Solusi docudrama and viewers’ comments on YouTube channel as data, describing themes by identifying elements and inter-relatedness among scenes, analyzing the salient ideas embedded within the themes, interpreting the narrative structure, and evaluating the persuasive force of messages supported by the viewers’ comments. The findings show that docudrama mediatizes religion by representing the interconnection of notions between religiosity-spirituality and individuality-community, the notions of religion in the dramatization frame, and by producing the audience’s pseudo model of reading. In conclusion, media (docudrama) mediatizes faith (religion) by representing the religious frames from a universal and psychic point of view. Mediatization of faith does not merely meet the needs for religiosity but alters the outlook of religion.

Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pergeseran pola pemenuhan terhadap kebutuhan religiusitas. Tujuannya adalah untuk meneliti mediatisasi iman (agama) melalui media (dokudrama). Pertanyaan penelitiannya adalah bagaimana dokudrama memediasi keimanan. Metode yang digunakan adalah kritik retorika dalam penelitian komunikasi. Metode ini mensignifikasi teks dan resepsi penonton dan berkaitan dengan analisis tekstual dan analisis kualitatif terhadap resepsi. Penelitian ini secara khusus mengadaptasi desain resepsi kualitatif terhadap media-penonton dari Jensen (2002). Prosedur yang diadaptasi dari Frey, dkk. (1999) mencakup pemilihan dokudrama Solusi dan komentar penonton di saluran YouTube sebagai data, mendeskripsikan tema dengan mengidentifikasi elemen dan keterkaitan antar adegan, menganalisis ide-ide penting yang terkandung dalam tema, menginterpretasikan struktur naratif, dan mengevaluasi kekuatan persuasif dari pesan yang didukung oleh komentar penonton. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dokudrama memediasi agama dengan merepresentasikan keterkaitan gagasan antara religiusitas-spiritualitas dan individualitas-komunitas, gagasan agama dalam bingkai dramatisasi, dan dengan memproduksi model pseudo pada cara penonton memahami. Kesimpulannya, media (dokudrama) memediasi keimanan (agama) dengan merepresentasikan bingkai-bingkai agama dari sudut pandang universal dan psikis. Mediatisasi iman tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan religiusitas, tetapi juga mengubah tampilan agama.

Realizing a Regional Network Broadcasting System to Promote Competitiveness in Local Programming and Fair Broadcasting in Indonesia

The regulation of Indonesia’s broadcasting law No. 32/2002 requires national broadcasting to evolve into a network of local TVs in order to create a system that is democratic. This regulation has not been fully implemented up to now. Thus, an alternative way is needed to solve the problem. Networking initiatives can actually begin at a regional province level in order to improve the coverages, service areas, and the quality of programs of local TVs.

The researcher uses the contructivism paradigm and the descriptive qualitative method to formulate a new design for a networked broadcast system that is in accordance with the conditions, needs, and peculiarities of local TV in Indonesia. The design is the initiation of local TV and is done in stages, beginning with cooperation broadcasting and marketing at regional levels. There are two main obstacles in its implementation: the complexity of the regulation and varying business interests among the TV stakeholders. But with this new design, it is expected that local TVs will greatly benefit since they will have wider coverage areas, bigger audience shares, and increased opportunities for marketing programs.