The Philippines as tool-forged nation: Revisiting Nick Joaquin’s use of Marshall McLuhan’s Medium Theory to reconstruct colonial history
In his 2004 essay, “Culture as History,” the late National Artist for Literature, Nick Joaquin, retold the colonial history of the Philippines through Marshall McLuhan’s medium theory, framed in the famous aphorism “the medium is the message.” Joaquin followed McLuhan’s thought by positing that technology is behind the metamorphosis of the Philippines. Accordingly, this metamorphosis occurred between the 16th and 17th centuries with the arrival of tools, like the plow, from Spain that enabled the colonized subjects to improve their lot and forge their identity as Filipinos.
Joaquin and McLuhan’s thoughts, conjoined in the former’s essay, steered colonial history away from nationalistic currents, via objects, artefacts, or technology, towards a narrative of a tool-forged nation.
This paper examines Joaquin’s suppositions on Philippine history by inquiring into the central role of technology in colonization and its contestation. By revisiting Joaquin and McLuhan’s theories on technology, this essay delves into the challenge of understanding colonial history and the opportunities they offer for theorizing technology and society.
Factors influencing the media literacy on community health behaviour practices in Kota Belud Sabah Malaysia
The perceived importance of media literacy in health discussions has increased significantly. The critical understanding of information is crucial to this role as it has the potential to impact people’s overall well-being and shape individual and societal behaviors. Media literacy involves the ability to access, understand, interpret, and apply information conveyed through various media for the betterment of individuals and communities. However, obtaining health-related information in today’s context can be challenging due to technological advancements. While people may be aware of health issues, translating this awareness into practical behavioral changes for effective health management often remains inconsistent. This study investigates the media literacy level influencing health behavior practices among the Kota Belud community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through online surveys done on a random sampling of 375 respondents, the study reveals that media literacy directly influences 46.2% of health behaviors related to COVID-19. These behaviors include regular handwashing, mask-wearing, maintaining physical distance, and following recommended health guidelines. The findings show that public comprehension, practical application, and information transmission help match health behaviors with changing social norms.
Pentingnya literasi media dalam perbincangan kesihatan telah meningkat dengan ketara. Pemahaman kritis terhadap maklumat amat penting dalam peranan ini kerana ia berpotensi mempengaruhi kesejahteraan keseluruhan masyarakat dan membentuk tingkah laku individu serta masyarakat. Literasi media melibatkan keupayaan untuk mengakses, memahami, mentafsir, dan menerapkan maklumat yang disampaikan melalui pelbagai media demi kebaikan individu dan komuniti. Walau bagaimanapun, memperoleh maklumat berkaitan kesihatan dalam konteks masa kini boleh menjadi cabaran disebabkan oleh kemajuan teknologi. Walaupun orang ramai mungkin sedar akan isu kesihatan, menerjemahkan kesedaran ini kepada perubahan tingkah laku yang praktikal untuk pengurusan kesihatan yang berkesan sering kali tidak konsisten. Kajian ini menyiasat tahap literasi media yang mempengaruhi amalan tingkah laku kesihatan dalam kalangan komuniti Kota Belud semasa pandemik COVID-19. Melalui tinjauan dalam talian yang dilakukan secara persampelan rawak terhadap 375 responden, kajian ini mendedahkan bahawa literasi media secara langsung mempengaruhi 46.2% tingkah laku kesihatan yang berkaitan dengan COVID-19. Tingkah laku ini termasuk amalan mencuci tangan secara berkala, memakai pelitup muka, mengekalkan jarak fizikal, dan mematuhi garis panduan kesihatan yang disarankan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pemahaman awam, aplikasi praktikal, dan penyebaran maklumat membantu menyesuaikan tingkah laku kesihatan dengan norma sosial yang berubah-ubah.