Labiste, Ma. Diosa

MA. DIOSA LABISTE is with the faculty of journalism of the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication. She earned her doctorate from the University of Birmingham, U.K. (corresponding author: [email protected]).
Note from the Editor
Type of Article: A Note from the Editor
Labiste, Ma. Diosa
Issue: Volume 17 Issue 01
Theme: Duterte and Disinformation
Duterte’s Polemic Against the Catholic Church as Hate Speech
Type of Article: Main Article
Chua, Yvonne T.
Labiste, Ma. Diosa
Issue: Volume 17 Issue 01
Theme: Duterte and Disinformation
Folklore and Insurgent Journalism of Isabelo de los Reyes
Type of Article:
Labiste, Ma. Diosa
Issue: Volume 13 Issue 01
Theme: Intellectuals, the Public Arena, and the Nation
Spectres of New Media Technologies in the Public Sphere
Type of Article: Main Article
Labiste, Ma. Diosa
Issue: Volume 12 Issue 01
Theme: Special Issue