Self-expression and addiction: Instagram use by Czech and Spanish university students
Theme: Online Relationships
Type of Article: Main Article Authors: Aznar-Díaz, Inmaculada Kopecký, Kamil Szotkowski, René Romero-Rodríguez, José-María DOI: APA Reference Entry:
Aznar-Díaz, I., Kopecký, K., Romero-Rodríguez, J., & Szotkowski, R. (2021). Self-expression and addiction: Instagram use by Czech and Spanish university students. Plaridel, 18(2), 119-140.
December 2021 · Volume No.: 18 Issue No.: 2 Editor: Labor, Jonalou S. addictionhigher education.Instagramself-esteemself-expressionsocial mediaAbstract
Instagram is an image-based social network that has become very popular amongst young people. This social network has become one of the channels for self-expression of its users. This behavior can also lead to the intensive use of this social network, which in turn is beginning to be linked to technological addiction. The objective of this paper was to analyze Instagram use habits in a sample of Czech and Spanish college students (n = 362) and its influence on personal variables (self-esteem, self-expression). Another objective was to find out whether the increased use of Instagram fosters addictive behavior. The study was approached from a quantitative perspective, using the questionnaire as a data collection tool. Amongst the findings were the confirmation of a positive correlation between Instagram use and self-expression, as well as between Instagram use and addiction. Finally, differences were found between Instagram use between Czech and Spanish college students and the connection of Instagram use with self-esteem, self-expression and addiction, together with the concept of relapse.