A Review of Received/Dominant/Western Film Adaptation Literatures, Or The Possibilities for a (De-Westernized) Filipino Theory


First, as part of a longer work on theorizing Filipino adaptation, this study discusses extant samples of komiks-to-film adaptations in the 1950s. The study reviews received/dominant/Western adaptation literatures that have dominated the field. Secondly, it argues for the following points as a springboard to construct a theory of adaptation:

  1. The limits of received/dominant/Western film adaptation theory dominating postcolonial cinemas such as the Philippines;
  2. The need to de-Westernize theory or to indigenize Filipino film adaptation theory; and
  3. To recognize constructs and formulate concepts from historical and cultural Filipino realities to inform the theory.

This study is a meta-theoretical discussion that will begin the construction of a Filipino film adaptation theory.